Agricultural Policy

Encouraging organic and biodynamic agricultural products.   

Supporting basic foods crops including growing from including heritage seeds

Protection of local food production including small farms, organics, and community gardens

Supporting individual, family or co-operative ownership of agricultural land.

Helping  Kiwi farmers buy their own farms by re-establishing the Rural Bank & making low interest loans available.

Preventing the sale of agricultural land into foreign ownership.

Promotion of biological control of agricultural pests.

Practices that cause degradation of the land or waterways are prohibited.

Encouraging self reliance in food

Food security and water security are paramount.

Food sovereignty will ensure the individuals who produce, distribute and consume food are included in decisions on food systems and policies.

The growing and importing of food, animals, fish and vegetation that have been genetically modified is prohibited.

Promotion of ‘energy farming’ using renewable resources such as bio-fuels.

Fishing and fish farming shall be done in a sustainable manner protecting the environment and future food stores.

Areas of deep water habitats shall progressively be closed from bottom trawling and dredging

Ensuring that pristine areas of ocean sea-bed are maintained for posterity.

Set-netting restrictions shall be implemented that protect dolphins and other by-catch

Resourcing inspection teams to ensure thorough inspection of all goods entering New Zealand, and minimise the likelihood of damage to agriculture and the environment from imported pests and diseases.